
Nine major trends in automotive molds


At present, the global automotive mold industry presents ni··· […]

At present, the global automotive mold industry presents nine development trends, namely: the imitation of the stamping process (CAE) is more prominent, the three-dimensional planning position of the mold is stabilized, the digital mold skills have become the mainstream, the mold processing automation is developing rapidly, and the high strength Steel stamping skills are the future development direction, new mold products will be launched, mold materials and appearance processing skills will be reused, scientific and information processing is the development direction of mold companies, and the refined manufacturing of molds is an inevitable trend.
   Over the years, along with the agile development of computer software and hardware, the imitation skills (CAE) of the stamping process have played an increasingly important role. In the United States, Japan, Germany and other developed countries, CAE skills have become a necessary part of the mold planning and production process, widely used to guess the defects of forming, optimize stamping skills and mold construction, advance the reliability of mold planning, and reduce the time of test.
   Many domestic car mold companies have made significant progress in the use of CAE and have achieved outstanding results. The use of CAE skills can greatly reduce the cost of trial molds and shorten the development cycle of stamping dies, which has become the primary method to ensure the quality of molds. CAE skills are gradually transforming mold planning from experience planning to scientific planning.
   The three-dimensional planning of the mold is the primary content of the digital mold skill, and it is the foundation for the integration of mold planning, production and inspection. Japan's Toyota, the United States and other companies have completed the three-dimensional planning of the mold, and achieved outstanding application. Some of the practices adopted by foreign countries in the three-dimensional planning of molds are worth learning. In addition to facilitating the integration of the three-dimensional planning of the mold, another advantage is that it is easy to dry and check, and can perform motion drying and analysis, and deal with a problem in the two-dimensional planning.
   These years of agile digital mold skills are an effective way to deal with many of the challenges faced in the development of car molds. The so-called digital mold skills, that is, the use of computer skills or computer assisted skills (CAX) in the mold planning and production process.